We've optimised the meaning of 'value'. Get more for your money with Temple & Grace. Here's why we are loved:
100 day free and easy returns - 1st in the industry
Lowest price guarantee. It's highly unlikely, but if you find it cheaper anywhere in Canada, just call us - we will beat their price by 5%.
Wholesale prices direct to retail customers
Valuation certificate included with every order placed
FREE unlimited ring re-sizing service. Except titanium, tantalum, zirconium, meteorite, dinosaur bone, carbon fibre & elysium rings. - 1st in the industry
Locally made with a lifetime guarantee - 1st in the industry
Digital KARAT weight readers - We show you the Karat weight of the jewellery you are getting from us, using our world class Hitachi precious metal XRF readers - Get what you're paying for!
Complimentary personalised message engraving service on rings
Unique & creative designs handcrafted exclusively by us in Canada
Complimentary lifetime jewellery polishing service
Free postage, irrespective of product value
Free and easy returns anytime within 100 days
Quick & friendly service - a real human to answer your call, give you an instant quote and sort you out, for both, sales and service queries.
Personalised customer service
Made directly by us (Master jewel-smiths) and hence never beaten on craftsmanship and price
We are local diamond and gemstone wholesalers. We handpick only the best GIA certified diamonds and our prices are significantly lower than any other Canadian jewellery stores. We are so confident of the quality of diamonds we use that we offer a lifetime buy back at the full-price you paid. Shop online or book a virtual consultation to view our exclusive collection in over a video call.
We're sorry for not having products in this section. However, being Canadian jewellery-makers means that we can customise your jewellery piece to the highest standards. Yes, we are also up to 40% cheaper than traditional jewellery retailers. Please call us on 613 416 2221 and we will do all that we can to make your big day special :)
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